Author: admin

  • Skill Development, Design Passion, and Real-World Experience

    Embarking on an architecture internship is not just about gaining experience; it’s a journey that shapes the foundation of a future architect’s career. As I delved into the world of architecture, my internship proved to be a pivotal moment that honed my skills and ignited my passion for design. From drafting blueprints to collaborating with…

  • A History of Nintendo’s Home Consoles

    A History of Nintendo’s Home Consoles

    Being a Nintendo fan means diving into a world where each console tells a story of innovation and nostalgia. From the iconic NES to the latest Switch, the journey through all Nintendo consoles timeline is a testament to the evolution of gaming. Exploring the history of these consoles isn’t just a trip down memory lane;…

  • The AMDR For Carbohydrates And Why It Matters

    The AMDR (Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range) for carbohydrates is a recommended range of daily intake that ensures you’re getting enough carbohydrates while maintaining a healthy and balanced overall diet. The AMDR for carbohydrates is 45-65% of total daily calorie intake. This range provides enough carbohydrates to fuel the body and brain while also leaving room…